Thursday, 26 January 2017

How to Generate Quality Backlinks and Traffic in 15 Days

How do you get authoritative sites in your niche to link to you, even if you don't have a Fortune 500 marketing budget or connections with influential bloggers? If you have ever asked yourself this question, then you will love The Reconstruct Technique. It's a strategy that I have used to build high quality backlinks to sites in pretty much every niche under the sun, from internships to insurance. In this blog I am going to teach you exactly how you can use The Reconstruct Technique to generate links and traffic to your site. Keep reading before I get into the nuts and bolts of The Reconstruct Technique, let me tell you a quick story. When I started my blog,, I knew that I was entering one of the most noisy, competitive spaces online, internet marketing. And I knew from growing other sites in competitive industries that unless I did something crazy to stand out, I was going to end up like pretty much every other site in the internetmarketing space - no traffic, and buried on the 10th page of Google. And I also knew that publishing great content was one of those things that sounded nice but didn't really work in the real world. Maybe you have seen this yourself - you work hard to publish great content on your site all the time, but you barely get any links and traffic for your effort. So I knew that, and that's when I decided to utilize The Reconstruct Technique, and I -literally- doubled my search engine traffic in two weeks. And here's exactly how I did it, and exactly how you can do the same thing for your site. So it's time to break down the exact three step process that I use.

So the first step is to find content in your industry that's already done well in terms of attracting links, social shares, comments, and traffic. One of the easiest ways to do this is just to search for competitive keywords in Google. Because if you find a piece of content that's ranking well in Google, you better believe that there are a lot of links pointing to it. And if you want to just double check and make sure that it's actually an authoritative page, you can put it into a tool like ahrefs, MajesticSEO, and Open Site Explorer to see if there are a lot of links pointing to it. In my case, I noticed that content around things like 'Google's ranking factors' and 'Google's 200 ranking symbols' tended to attract a lot of links and that's the content I decided to use as the base of my  Reconstruct. So now that you've identified a piece of content with a proven track record of generating links, it's time to create something even better. And actually this is why this strategy is called The Reconstruct Technique.

Everyone's attracted to number one, so what you are doing with step - 2 is taking the base content that you found in step - 1 and then slapping twenty stories on top of it, and all of the sudden you have the piece of content that everyone's talking about. So how can you make something heads and shoulders above what's already out there? Well, there are three strategies that work really well. The first is to make your content more thorough. In my case, I noticed that most of the content out there that talked about Google ranking, factors and talked about how there -were- 100 of techniques, but they didn't even list all 100! And despite that, they still generated a ton of links and social shares. You can also make your content more up to date. I have found that despite Google's supposed preference for fresh content, there's a lot of outdated stuff sitting on Google's first page. So just making something that's out of date and updating it for today is one of the easiest and best ways to make content that's clearly better than what's already out there.

And finally, you can make the content better designed than what's already out there. Now make no mistake, design is huge, because it influences how valuable people perceive your content to be. In general, the better designed it is, the higher the perceived value. In my case, I noticed most of the Google Ranking Factors content was not only not thorough and out of date, but also really ugly. So I decided to invest in nice custom banners for my blog posts. Now, once you have something that's clearly the best out there, it's time to get the word out. Now, how do you get the word out about your content? With good old-fashioned email outreach. Now, most people approach email outreach link-building the wrong way; they just email random people and beg for a link, and that's not what we are doing here. We are strategically reaching out to people who are very likely to link to us, specifically, people that linked to the inferior content that you used as your base. And here's the exact word-for-word script that I use to generate dozens of links to my piece of content.

Either way, keep up the awesome work, which is significantly higher than most email outreach campaigns. And as you know, today with links it's all about -quality- not quantity, and a lot of those 15% were real gems, including a page rank 5 page link on a D-moz listed site. And besides, the results speak for themselves: Less than two weeks after publishing and promoting my post, my organic search engine traffic doubled. So that's the power of The Reconstruct Technique, something myself and dozens of readers have used to get better results from their content Thank you for reading our blog.

A Walkthrough about On Page SEO

On-page optimization in SEO is the process of maximizing the results your content achieves from search engines, including improvements in rankings, organic traffic, and conversions. This article is on, on- page optimization very informative which can help beginners to know more about on - page Techniques. We recognize very well that the whole thing should work together and each page of your website includes a particular goal. Increase in PageRank - Page rank is a number between 0 and 10 which indicates the importance of a website in the eyes of Google. We can help you to pick the right plugins that will provide you the service you want WITHOUT affecting negatively the On-Page Optimization of your website.

You'll notice that Morgan's mnemonic and the blueprint that comes before it has a lot in common, and rightly so—these landing page elements work because they satisfy distinct and universal user needs and desires. Unlike most of the firm we do not just sit back and follow SEO books and Stated Guidelines by Google and many so called top SEO guru, but to do research for new development and techniques to get best results, using human intelligence and real analytics and search behavior. Off page, SEO gives them a very good indication on how the World (other websites and users) perceive the particular website. If your time is too slow, check the size of the images, videos or graphics on the page - larger files will slow it down.

You have to create relevant and high-quality content and submit to the blogs with higher page ranks. it is something that you could try out. Don't waste your money and time on buying SEO tool. Really this post is very helpful for the reader to know about On-page optimization and learned many things new about on page SEO. ADS Solutions offers reliable SEO services can provide effective on page optimization and off page optimization according to your requirements.

White-hat SEO methods (which also includes link building) is the best approach to follow. Google always concentrate on page speed, as it directly connects with the user experience and bounce rate. Many site owners spend about 30% of their time on off-page factors, and 70% on on-page factors. The on-page factors tell Google what your page has the credentials to rank for. Thank You for Reading our article.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Anti Aging Skin Care Secrets

In this article, Mentioned below are natural anti aging skin care tips to help you maintain a youthful skin.   I use Watts Beauty Hyaluronic Acid w/ Peptid in the AM and their Retinol 2.5 Serum in the PM. I noticed a remarkable different just after a month. While these 10 ingredients are the best natural anti-aging secrets, probably the biggest secret of all, in terms of fighting aging skin, is to find skin care products that contain most or all of these ingredients. Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are all high antioxidants that keep your skin cleansed and inhibit the growth of premature aging cells. This is the exact same system I now share with my female clients, who want a powerful, yet simple, step-by-step system for dramatically slowing down the rate at which they age - through 100% NATURAL methods. White, oolong and black teas carry the same anti-aging benefits and all offer a variety of tastes that are sure to easily replace any coffee desires you might ever have. This will soon result to tired looking skin that is clearly associated with aging.

Remember, every day that you're NOT using these secrets, you're aging faster…So doing nothing is not an option. Stem cell research has become a big part of anti aging and most websites don't cover this area of science news. The more new skin cells that are created, the more natural collagen is produced, which helps to fill in fine lines and wrinkles. And this embarrassment… this complete and utter misery… eventually sent me on a quest to find the REAL TRUTH about health, skin care and the aging process. Aging is inevitable so people turn to things like Botox, plastic surgery, chemical based supplements, and tons and tons of expensive creams. If you want to have smooth and supple skin, these solutions are safe, natural alternatives to Botox.

The best thing to do to have healthy intestines apart from having a healthy diet is to drink water and 100% natural juices. Based on research conducted by the Queensland Institute of Medical Research at the University of Queensland in Australia the best way to protect yourself from the sun's anti-aging effects is by applying generous amounts of sun screen. There's no need to fret over it. It's letting aging drag you down that's something we all have to work on. Gone are the days when age is an excuse to looking gazillion years away from your much younger self. For those who are just waking up to the fact that the natural way is best, this will be your complete anthology for your health for a long time. A great anti aging plan will be easy to implement and it will make you not only slow down the aging process, but actually reverse it!!

Although an unorthodox approach to modern skin care, herbs are probably one of the most powerful tools in your fight against aging. Using all natural, organic ingredients are the safest, healthiest way for your skin to combat the effects of aging. A good anti aging skin care routine will help you age well and make you radiant inside and out. It contains the most powerful yet 100% NATURAL anti-aging tweaks” that you can start implementing in your life TODAY. This makes bed time the best time to nourish your skin with anti aging properties.

If you are not getting your beauty sleep for at least 8 to 9 hours daily, trust us, you will end up looking 10 years older than your real age in the next 5 years. Our skin is often a reflection of how healthy we are and it is up to us to seek out the very best anti-aging secrets, but we need to keep it real. One of the best anti aging skin care products you can add to your beauty regimen once you're over fifty is an effective wrinkle cream or serum. Thank you for reading our article.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Things To Know Before Start Making Digital Marketing Plan

You have an on-line business you need to make an online marketing strategy for it. For this you make certain you analyze all of your marketing objectives and goals and make an attempt to implement it. Many company owners feel that on-line business plan isn't a necessity, but it's not the case. Key for successful online marketing strategy includes these tasks. Be sure that you place all thoughts and plans on paper. This may make it simpler for you to stay on pace with no trouble at all. This proves to be a vital of staying on path without getting lost on the way. 

Do not use repetitive tasks or typical advertising plan all of the time. A diverse plan gives you the choices to apply all techniques and processes. Try to use these methods that have proved to succeed in the latest past and have high future prospects. It doesn't imply that you don't execute new thoughts and techniques in your plan. Keep on experimenting, but learn form the previous errors and don't try to execute those in the future programs. This manner drafting an on-line business plan proves to be a mental gymnastics to make your internet advertising strategies yet it may make the planning process simpler and intriguing for you. 

Give a notion to about the purpose to be online. Be sure that you create your internet marketing technique to improve consciousness in groups and communities in general or to raise your business sales. Define the various methods that you may use on the web. It may be in the type of forums, competitions, free reports, newsletter, and PPC advertisements, banners, article promotion, and viral marketing. How long can you can spend on the web and wherein manner internet marketing could be done by you. Other strategies may include affiliate internet marketing and placing advertisements, banners in search engines. 

What's the spending budget of your marketing strategy and the way many $ you need to invest on each plan? How may you monitor the success of your plan and what's the rate of return? Attempt to find the solutions of those. An on-line business plan is very essential for the success of any on-line business. This should be an extensive plan that is guaranteed to give you profit. It should include internet search engine optimization tasks that are effective to do your on-line business. An online marketing strategy for an internet site should include the through study of an internet site.

Why Inbound - Essentials of Inbound Marketing Strategy

Hello friends today we will introduce you to the world of inbound marketing and provide you with a big picture view of everything you need for a successful in inbound marketing strategy. Let's start with the biggest question of them all, why before understanding why inbound is transforming the way the world does business let's take a moment to think about traditional marketing in traditional marketing companies focus on finding customers generally they use techniques that are interruptive these techniques could be anything from cold calling in print advertising to TV commercials and junk mail but technology is making these techniques less effective and more expensive caller ID blocks cold calls, DVR makes advertising less effective and spam filters block mass emails but it's still possible to get a message out using these channels but it costs a lot more. Traditional marketing is interruptive and marketer-centric the traditional way of doing things is convenient for the marketer because they can push content in people's faces whenever they want, even when those potential customers don't want it, but it's not such a great experience for the user.

The potential customer inbound marketers flip this model on its head so what is in town, all about well inbound is a fundamental shift in the way we do business instead of that old interval based message where the marketer or salesperson had all the control in mount is about empowering potential customers instead of interrupting people with television ads they might create videos that potential customers want to see instead of buying display ads in print publications they could create a business blog that people would look forward to reading and instead of cold calling make create useful content so that prospects can contact them when they want more information inbound marketing is marketing focus on getting found by customers its customer-focused it's helpful would not you prefer to deal with the business that is focused on your needs instead of their own you've probably come across some of your favorite brands actively practicing inbound marketing, it’s that problem-solving blog post that shows up near the top of the search engine, it's the new solution that was discovered on LinkedIn or the product review that was found on Facebook, inbound is about being a part of the conversation being a part of that conversation mean sharing helpful relevant content with the world, it's about drawing people in that's why it's called in down after all and most of all it's about creating marketing that people love in today's world, buyers have all that power think about the process you went through the last time you made a purchase, did you call up a salesperson asking to buy or did you hop online and do some research. it's time for you to support that buying process it's time for you to join it and empower your potential customers to make the right decisions for themselves, so how do you actually do inbound well the best way to start is by understanding the in down methodology this is the inbound methodology, it illustrates the four stages that make up the inbound marketing and sales process these stages are attract convert clothes and delight list along the bottom of the methodology. Are the tools companies typically use to accomplish? some of tools like email can starting at the beginning on the Left, you will need to attract strangers to your site turning them into visitors, some of the most important tools to attract new users are blogging optimizing your website and social media, once you have attracted new visitors the next step is to convert some of them into leads by gathering their contact information at the very least you'll need their email addresses contact information is the world of inbounds currency in order for your visitors to offer up that currency willingly you'll need to offer them something in return that payment comes in the form of offers like eBooks white papers or tip sheets whatever information would be interesting and valuable to your prospects you can convert visitors into leads by using what's called as you might have guessed the conversion process website components like calls to action and landing pages can entice these visitors and help you get information about that moving along now that you've attracted the right visitors and converted the right leads it's time to transform those leads into customers in the clothes stage tools like email and CRM can be used to help sell to the right leads at the right time.

Inbound is all about providing remarkable content to your users whether their visitors leads or existing customers just because someone is already a customer doesn't mean that you can forget about them. Inbound companies continue to delight and engage their customer base turning them into happy promoters of the products and services they love then the whole methodology start back at the beginning when promoters talk to their networks more strangers and spread the word about your products and services. What you don't see written in the methodology is analyze why, because analysis is part of every single thing you do with your inbound strategy anything you do any piece of content, you create a campaign and launch or any marketing action you undertake should be analyzed to be a true in mail marketer and a truly successful one you need to know what's working what isn't and how to implement new solutions and improve your efforts as efficiently as possible.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

How to Increase Website Traffic, Top 5 Ways

Today, we are going to talk about five ways you can increase traffic to your website, so that you can grow your business or your personal brand but if you have a website, you are wondering probably how to get more traffic to it. You want people to get interested in it, to engage with you, and to obviously find you so that they can hire you for services, be a client, or buy your products. Whatever you're trying to do. Website traffic is important. I totally get it, and I am going to give you five great ways that you can increase your website traffic.

So first you know I am going to lead with one of my favorite ones, which is video marketing. Video marketing and using things like YouTube can really help the traffic for your website. There are a couple ways you can handle this. One, you can actually link back to your website from your YouTube videos, and a lot of people like to do that in the, you know, first or second line of the description of their YouTube video, and that's fine. I used to do that a lot, but I'm less worried about that now, and more worried about my SEO ranking in YouTube natively, so I don't need to do that as much. I actually just lead with it in the intro to my videos. So, that's an option for you. Another way you can do it is actually embedding your YouTube videos on your website. This has an unintended advantage though because if people watch the YouTube video on your website, then you actually can boost your search ranking because they're spending more time on your web page and that's going to make your web page more relevant in Google

My second tip for increasing your website traffic is to give something away for free, but giving something away for free is a great strategy for getting a lot of interest in your website. This is something that you can promote in social media easily and get a lot of traffic from it, you don't have to give it away for free entirely. You can get something in return. You can get someone to sign up for your e-mail list, and as you know, having a great e-mail list in marketing is huge and the money is really in the list, so you need to be leveraging that effectively.

A third way to increase the traffic to your website is an obvious one for some of you. It's called SEO, search engine optimization. I am going to have to explain what it is to newbies, but the main thing is if you are going do search engine optimization, you need to do it right. I would recommend that if you are not skilled in this or educated in it, and you don't have the time to learn it, just outsource it, but if you do want to become educated in it, there are so many resources and tools and information out there for free that you can consume. The big thing is to make sure that you are thinking about your users and what they're likely to search for and making sure that you are putting out content that's relevant to that and that your internal pages are mapping to that. The easiest example I can give is that if you are, you know, a Web designer guy or gal in USA, then you probably will want to use the term Web designer and developer in the heading of your pages and USA so that people in your area doing a local search are more likely to find you. This might seem really obvious, but a lot of people are overlooking that and literally just putting home and about in the title and the heading of their pages. So, a lot of people are missing out on an opportunity there.

My fourth way that you can actually increase your website traffic is social media. This might seem like a very obvious thing, but a lot of people are actually just tweeting away in social media and never linking back to their website. A lot of people have their LinkedIn profile, their Twitter profile, their Instagram accounts, whatever, and it never links back to their website. They have it going somewhere else, getting that traffic and that value, and you really should be directing people to your website, maybe to your free giveaway, just anything like that. So I would highly encourage you to really think about how you use social media to get people to go to your website. Share a valuable piece of content and information. Use your lead magnet or your free giveaway as your pinned post in Twitter. Make sure that you're posting articles and content from your content marketing strategy or blog in Facebook, but just don't be spammy about it. This is a great way to get traffic to your website and give people valuable information that they might actually need.

My fifth and final tip on increasing your website traffic is to consider doing guest posts, or contributing content, on other sites and platforms. This is a great way to take advantage of an existing audience. You can also, again, be a contributor to other websites that might be actually looking for content that you put out there. Just go ahead and e-mail the person in charge of that website or contact them in social media and let them know that you're interested in guest posting and just show them samples of your work and see if that's something that they'd be interested. See if there's a win-win there, and, you know, just go for it. Content marketing in this way is great because you can take advantage of an existing audience that probably cares about the same things that you're talking about over on your website, and again, it's a tremendous opportunity. So go ahead and look into guest posting.

So those are our five ways that you can increase your website traffic. I hope this was helpful for you.