Wednesday, 28 December 2016

How To Use Keywords to Boost Your Business

In this blog you read new role of business. And you are about to discover a range of tactics and strategies to help you to grow your business, faster and easier than ever before. When it comes to keyword, you understand what keywords are? Here is the things that people searching for. They even call them the keywords than actually normally one word. Like swimming lesson Brisbane is one keyword even it got three words in that. Is that make sense?

And so what you want to do is you want to rank for the things that people are searching for and as many different things as you can. Now most website developers actually know nothing about search engine optimization. They didn’t know about building website. And so normally what they do at the top, sometimes they just leave the default and at the top it says welcome to another words press website. So what happens Google can’t actually find your stuff because they don’t even know what your stuff is about.

Now if the website developer knows a little bit they might change it and put the name of your company there finance ability as an example. But again who is searching for a company that’s yet not exist. And unless you change that it goes across every single page on your website. Is that make sense? So again you got one door way of how people will find you and it’s that narrow.

So what you want to do is you want to forget about the name of your business. Maybe you’re about ask page you can optimize for that particular keyword. But every other page on your website should be optimized for keywords. Now here’s the thing you don’t want to put lots of keywords in there. Because if you have like a horse riding shop and you have horse riding shoes, horse riding saddles, horse riding clothes, horse riding classes and at the your tail tag, which is the thing at the top, if you have 10 different things what is Google sort of thinking to itself. If you do 10 different things you must not be very specialized in any one of them. You got like a split personality disorder. You don’t know who you are. So if you don’t know who you’re. How we can possibly know who you are. So what happen is so they will probably put you in the search engine under those different thumbs but you’re not going be on page one, because you’re so bored. You might be on page 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 is that make sense? So if you do want to rank for a number of different keywords what should you do? You have a different page per keyword. So if you want rank for 2 different keywords you have 2 pages. One optimize for this, one optimize for that. And what you’re going do is, you’re going take your keyword and you’re going put it into a few different location. So when Google find your page, they go your tail tag has the keyword. Your Meta tag has the keyword, your headline has the keyword, your body copy has the keyword, and your video contains the keyword. Even your image that’s a photo, and most people label, they don’t change the label of their photos, if the photo you click enter and you change the label of the photo to horse-riding-shoes and so they go everything here is about horse riding shoes, it’s a highly focus. It must be all about that. so therefore people looking for developing information will put that way up the list for horse riding shoes. Because of this page only about that one thing. 

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